11:08 AM nonibaumann 3 Comments

wow, I`m a bit late this week with my DIY, 
 but at the moment a lot of things are happening around here, 
I`m going to tell you later about:)...

So for now...the Fox Bag DIY ( to be honest  I made it already January,
but didn`t had the time to edit it until yet...but we still love the bag)
---> Currently Emmi loves all kinds of bags (wearing them like mommy...)
hiding all kind of stuff in there, carrying around and so on,
I like foxes (she too) that makes a fox bag obviously.

The fun fact: it´s not complicated to make at all, you don`t even need sewing skills,
you just need hot glue ( you may already discovered my love for it :)

let`s start:

1- you`ll need foam rubber or leather/ fake leather, snap fastener, buttons or craft eyes, 
chevron/ zic zac and satin band, hot glue.
2- fix the snap fastener- upper part of the square will be the flap, the lower part of the 
triangle gets the bottom of the snap fastener
3- fold square into half, snap fastener now is the lower part, cut out like marked
4- cut out the edges, these will function as fox ears later
5- fix triangle on on square with fine hot glue lines at the edges
6- cut two holes in the middle of the former square
7- glue chevron band at the edges and fix eye-buttons with hot glue
8- fix band and you`re done!

Have fun!

(linking up with the DIY dreamer as always...)


This is so cute! Love the fox face. And that there is no sewing required..... ~Stephanie

maria said...

Love it!
And that gif of Emmi is adorable!

Jessi said...

oh my goodness this is so cute! I absolutely love foxes and have zip sewing skills so this is perfect for me!! Haha. And emmi is just the most adorable thing ever!!